Vocational School Coord.

Unit  Department Title Name Surname E-Mail
Arda Vocational School  School Coord. Lect. Dr Hatice PALÜZAR haticepaluzar@trakya.edu.tr 
Health Service Vocational School  School Coord. Lect. Dr Aslı ŞADLI aslisadli@trakya.edu.tr
Uzunköprü Vocational School  School Coord. Lect. Merve ATA merveata@trakya.edu.tr 
Social Sciences Vocational School  School Coord. Asst. Prof. Gülüm Burcu DALKIRAN burcudalkiran@trakya.edu.tr 
  Lect. Özlem ALADAĞ BAYRAK oabayrak@trakya.edu.tr 
 Marketing & Foreing Trade Lect. Dr. Umut Erksan ŞENALP uerksansenalp@trakya.edu.tr
 Management & Organisation Lect. Dr.  İsmail İYİGÜN ismailiyigun@trakya.edu.tr 
 Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services    Lect. Çiğdem UNURLU cigdemunurlu@trakya.edu.tr 
 Finance Banking and Insurance    Lect. Mehmet Arda YILMAZ mehmetyilmaz@trakya.edu.tr 
 Office Services and Secretariat      Lect. Yusuf AYDIN yusufaydin@trakya.edu.tr 
 Accounting and Tax Practices    Asst. Prof. Duygu YÜCEL duyguyucel@trakya.edu.tr 
Technical Sciences Vocational School  School Coord. Asst. Prof. Barış ÖZKAPI barisozkapi@trakya.edu.tr 
 Architecture and Urban Planning   Lect. Yener TÜREN yenerturen@trakya.edu.tr 
 Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies   Lect. Dr.  Mukadder İĞDİ ŞEN mukaddersen@trakya.edu.tr 
 Electricity and Energy   Asst. Prof. İsmail BECENEN ibecenen@trakya.edu.tr 
 Computer Technologies   Assoc. Prof. Gürkan TUNA gurkantuna@trakya.edu.tr 
 Electronics and Automation   Lect. Asım SAMLI asimsamli@trakya.edu.tr 
 Machinery and Metal Technologies   Asst. Prof. Kenan KARAÇAVUŞ kenank@trakya.edu.tr 
 Textile, Shoes and Leather   Asst. Prof. Didem TUNCAY didemtuncay@trakya.edu.tr 
 Materials and Materials Processing Technologies   Lect. Osman ÖZCAN oozcan@trakya.edu.tr 
 Audio Visual Tech. and Media Production   Lect. Yavuz SARSILMAZ yavuzsarsilmaz@trakya.edu.tr 
 Property Protection and Security   Lect. Dr. Cem CANAN cemcanan@trakya.edu.tr 
Havsa Vocational School  School Coord. Asst. Prof. Hakan YAŞ hakanyas@trakya.edu.tr 
 Finance Banking and Insurance   Asst. Prof. Hakan YAŞ hakanyas@trakya.edu.tr 
 Management and Organization   Asst. Prof. Murat YORULMAZ muratyorulmaz@trakya.edu.tr 
 Accounting and Tax Practices    Lect. Cüneyt AGUN cuneytagun@trakya.edu.tr 
 Crop and Animal Production   Asst. Prof. Sedat KARADAVUT sedatkaradavut@trakya.edu.tr 
İpsala Vocational School   School Coord. Lect. Cem TURAN cemturan@trakya.edu.tr
 Marketing & Foreing Trade Lect. Gamze Yıldız ERDURAN gamzeerduran@trakya.edu.tr 
 Electronics and Automation   Lect. Görkem ŞEN gorkemsen@trakya.edu.tr 
 Chemical and Chemical Technology    Asst. Prof. İpek ATILGAN HELVACIOĞLU ipekhelvacioglu@trakya.edu.tr 
 Management & Organisation Lect. Elif Betül YALÇI elifbetulyalci@trakya.edu.tr 
Keşan Vocational School  School Coord. Asst. Prof. Sevil ERDOĞAN sevilerdogan@trakya.edu.tr
 Electricity    Lect. Özcan ÇETİNKAYA ozcancetinkaya@trakya.edu.tr 
 Gas and Installation Technology   Lect. Mustafa GÜVENLİ mustafaguvenli@trakya.edu.tr 
 Tourism and Hotel Management    Lect. Nasıf KOYUNCU nasifkoyuncu@trakya.edu.tr 
Child Development   Lect. Özge ÖZKAN KILIÇ ozgeozkankilic@trakya.edu.tr 
 Laborant and Veterinary Health   Lect. Hatice AYYILDIZ haticeayyildiz@trakya.edu.tr 
Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza Fine Arts Vocational School  School Coord. Lect. Selim Hakan AKINCI shakanakinci@trakya.edu.tr
 Handicrafts    Lect. Aybike KINALI aybikekinali@trakya.edu.tr
 Design   Lect. Elçin DOKSATLI helcindoksatli@trakya.edu.tr 
 Architecture and Urban Planning    Lect. Ceren BAYKAN cerenbaykan@trakya.edu.tr 
Tunca Vocational School  School Coord. Lect. Dr. Cenk ATLIĞ cenkatlig@trakya.edu.tr 
 Computer Technologies    Lect. Dr. Tolga DEMİRHAN tolgademirhan@trakya.edu.tr
 Computer Lect.  İlkay DEMİRALAY ilkaydemiralay@trakya.edu.tr 
 Management & Organisation Lect. İlker HACIOĞLU ilkerhacioglu@trakya.edu.tr 

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