Home Page » Faculty Coord.
Faculty Coord.
Unit/Faculty | Department | Title | Name Surname | |
Pharmacy | Faculty Coord. | Assoc. Prof. | Özlem DEMİRKIRAN | ozlemdemirkiran@trakya.edu.tr |
Asst. Prof. | Yasemin ŞAHBAZ ÖZER | yaseminsahbaz@trakya.edu.tr | ||
Dentistry | Faculty Coord. | Assoc. Prof. | Bülent İNANÇ | bulendinanc@trakya.edu.tr |
Literature | Faculty Coord. | Assoc. Prof. | Özlem ÇEVİK | arkeocevik@yahoo.com |
Vice Faculty Coord. | Asst. Prof. | Başak BOZ | Basak.boz@gmail.com | |
Turkish Lang. & Literatures | Asst. Prof. | Gülçiçek AKÇAY | gulcicekakcay@trakya.edu.tr | |
History | Asst. Prof. | Bülent YILDIRIM | nurtencetin@trakya.edu.tr | |
Res. Asst. | Asım KORKMAZ | asımkorkmaz@trakya.edu.tr | ||
Archeology | Assoc. Prof. | İlkan HASDAĞLI | ilkanhasdagli@trakya.edu.tr | |
Sanat Tarihi | Assoc. Prof. | Gülay APA KURTİŞOĞLU | gulayapa@trakya.edu.tr | |
Translation and Interpreting | Lect. Dr. | Dolunay KUMLU | dolunaykumlu@hotmail.com | |
BG | Res. Asst. | Serkan CÖMERTEL | serkancomertel@yandex.com | |
EN | Res. Asst. Dr. | Fatoş Işıl BRITTEN | isilcihan@trakya.edu.tr | |
DE | Asst. Prof. | Aykut HALDAN | aykuthaldan@trakya.edu.tr | |
Balkan Languages and Literatures | Asst. Prof. | Yasemin GÜRSOY | yasemingursoy@trakya.edu.tr | |
Armenian Language and Literature | Asst. Prof. | Ferhan KIRLIDÖKME MOLLAOĞLU | ferhankirlidokme@trakya.edu.tr | |
Humanities and Social Sciences | Asst. Prof. | Elvan Melek ERTÜRK | elvanmelekerturk@trakya.edu.tr | |
Education | Faculty Coord. | Assoc. Prof. | Mukadder Seyhan YÜCEL | mukadderyucel@hotmail.com |
Basic Education | Prof. Dr. | Yeşim FAZLIOĞLU | yfazli@hotmail.com | |
Primary school teaching | Asst. Prof. | Serbülent PAKSUZ | sserpaksuz@trakya.edu.tr | |
Early childhood education | Assoc. Prof. | Zülfiye Gül ERCAN | zgercan@yahoo.com | |
Mathematics & Physical sciences | Asst. Prof. | Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM | hozyildirim@trakya.edu.tr | |
Sciences Education | Asst. Prof. | Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM | hozyildirim@trakya.edu.tr | |
Mathematics Education | Asst. Prof. | Funda GÜNDOĞDU ALAYLI | fundagundugdu@trakya.edu.tr | |
Special Education | Asst. Prof. | Dilber TEZEL | dilbertezel@trakya.edu.tr | |
Education of Mental Disabled | Res. Asst. Dr. | Aynur GICI VATANSEVER | aynurgici@gmail.com | |
Fine Arts Education | Assoc. Prof. | Aylin BEYOĞLU | aylingurbuz22@hotmail.com | |
Music Education | Lect. | Gül SAKARYA | gulsakarya@trakya.edu.tr | |
Drawing and Crafts Education | Assoc. Prof. | Aylin BEYOĞLU | aylingurbuz22@hotmail.com | |
Foreign Languages | Assoc. Prof. | Mukadder SEYHAN YÜCEL | mukadderyucel@hotmail.com | |
German Lang. Teaching | Assoc. Prof. | Mukadder SEYHAN YÜCEL | mukadderyucel@hotmail.com | |
English Language Teaching | Lect. | Şaziye ALKAYALAR | alkayalar@hotmail.com | |
Social Sciences & Turkish Language Education |
Asst. Prof. | Muharrem ÖZDEN | mrozden@hotmail.com | |
Social Sciences | Asst. Prof. | Şahin DÜNDAR | sahindundar@hotmail.com | |
Turkish Language Education | Asst. Prof. | Emel SİLAHSIZOGLU | s_emel@hotmail.com | |
Educational Sciences | Asst. Prof. | Seda DONAT BACIOĞLU | seda_119@hotmail.com | |
Guidance And Psychological Counseling | Asst. Prof. | Seda DONAT BACIOĞLU | seda_119@hotmail.com | |
Computer Education and Instructional Technologies | Asst. Prof. | Erdem DEMİRÖZ | erdemdemiroz@trakya.edu.tr | |
Science | Faculty Coord. | Prof. Dr. | Özlem ÇETİN ERDOĞAN | cetinozlem@hotmail.com |
Biology | Prof. Dr. | Özlem ÇETİN ERDOĞAN | cetinozlem@hotmail.com | |
Physics | Prof. Dr. | Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ | serapd@trakya.edu.tr | |
Maths | Assoc. Prof. | Yasemin ÇENGELLENMİŞ | ycengel@trakya.edu.tr | |
Chemistry | Assoc. Prof. | H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT | fkarabulut@trakya.edu.tr | |
Fine Arts | Faculty Coord. | Asst. Prof. | Ferit YAZICI | ferityazici@trakya.edu.tr |
Painting | Assoc. Prof. | Deniz GÖKDUMAN | degokduman@gmail.com | |
Sculpture | Lect. | H. Fırat UYSAL | hfiratuysal@trakya.edu.tr | |
Graphic | Res. Asst. | Zehra ATABEY | zehraatabey@trakya.edu.tr | |
Communication Arts | Asst. Prof. | Başar HATIRNAZ | basarhatirnaz@trakya.edu.tr | |
Administrative and Economic Sciences | Faculty Coord. | Prof. Dr. | Kıymet ÇALIYURT | kiymet1442@yahoo.com |
Business | Res. Asst. | Çağatay AKDOĞAN | cagatayakdogan@trakya.edu.tr | |
Public administration | Res. Asst. | Mehmet DURGUT | mehmetdurgut@trakya.edu.tr | |
Labor Economics and Industry Relations | Asst. Prof. | Yeliz YEŞİL | yelizyesil@trakya.edu.tr | |
International relations | Asst. Prof. | Emre AYKOÇ | eaykoc@yahoo.com | |
Finance | Asst. Prof. | Fatih ÇAVDAR | fatihcavdar@trakya.edu.tr | |
Econometrics | Res. Asst. | Havva GÜLTEKİN | havvagultekin@trakya.edu.tr | |
Economy | Res. Asst. | Fahriye Füsun TUNCER MÜHÜRDAROĞLU |
fusuntuncer@gmail.com | |
Theology | Faculty Coord. | Asst. Prof. | Nurullah KOLDAŞ | nkoltas@hotmail.com |
Architecture | Faculty Coord. | Assoc. Prof. | Mehmet Serkan KIRGIZ | mserkankirgiz@trakya.edu.tr |
Architecture | Lect. | Seçkin PUYAN | seckinpuyan@gmail.com | |
Landscape Architecture | Asst. Prof. | Rukiye Duygu ÇAY | rduygucay@trakya.edu.tr | |
Engineering | Faculty Coord. | Prof. Dr. | Taner TİMARCI | tanert@trakya.edu.tr |
Computer | Assoc. Prof. | Tolga SAKALLI | tolga@trakya.edu.tr | |
Electricity & Electronics | Asst. Prof. | Korhan CENGİZ | korhancengiz@trakya.edu.tr | |
Food | Prof. Dr. | Hacı Ali GÜLEÇ | hacialigulec@trakya.edu.tr | |
Mechanics | Asst. Prof. | Önder AYER | onderayer@trakya.edu.tr | |
Genetics and Bioengineering | Asst. Prof. | Gökhan KAÇAR | gokhankacar@trakya.edu.tr | |
Health Science | Faculty Coord. | Assoc. Prof. | Emre ATILGAN | emreatilgan@trakya.edu.tr |
Nursing | Asst. Prof. | Seher ÜNVER | seherunver@trakya.edu.tr | |
Nutrition and Dietetics | Lect. | Leyla TEVFİKOĞLU PEHLİVAN | leylatevfikoglu@hotmail.com | |
Ergotherapy | Asst. Prof. | Sinem SALAR | sinemsalar@trakya.edu.tr | |
Audiology | Asst. Prof. | Erdoğan BULUT | erdoganbulut@trakya.edu.tr | |
Healthcare Management | Asst. Prof. | Aysu ZEKİOĞLU | aysukurtuldu@trakya.edu.tr | |
Physiotherapy and Rehabitation | Asst. Prof. | Gülnur ÖZTÜRK | gulnurozturk@hotmail.com | |
Medicine | Faculty Coord. | Prof.Dr. | Fatih ÖZÇELİK | fatihozcelik@trakya.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. | Tülin Deniz YALTA | tdeyalya@gmail.com | ||
Basic Medical Sciences | Asst. Prof. | Cüneyt BOZER | cuneytbozer@trakya.edu.tr | |
Internal Medical Sciences | Asst. Prof. | Önder SEZER | ondersezerdr@gmail.com | |
Surgical Medical Sciences | Assoc. Prof. | Mert ÇİFTDEMİR | dr.mert@gmail.com | |
Aplied Sciences | Faculty Coord. | Asst. Prof. | Elif Ülker DEMİREL | elifulker@trakya.edu.tr |
Tourism Management and Hotel Management |
Asst. Prof. | Elif Ülker DEMİREL | elifulker@trakya.edu.tr | |
Banking | Lect. | Pınar ÇETİN | pinarcetin@trakya.edu.tr | |
Management information systems | Asst. Prof. | Berk KÜÇÜKALTAN | berkkucukaltan@trakya.edu.tr | |
Kirkpinar Sport Sciences | Faculty Coord. | Prof. Dr. | Hakan TUNA | tunahakan2000@hotmail.com |
Coaching | Lect. | Gökhan TUNA | gokhantuna@trakya.edu.tr | |
Recreation | Lect. | Emine Asena UZUN | easenacoruh@trakya.edu.tr | |
Physical Education and Sports Teaching | Lect. | Serpil AYAS AYDIN | serpilayas@trakya.edu.tr | |
Sports Management | Asst. Prof. | Ozlem OZDINC | ozlemozdinc@trakya.edu.tr |
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